Nested Queries
Lesson 18Author : GOUP
Last Updated : September, 2020
-- Find names of all employees who have sold over 50,000
SELECT employee.first_name, employee.last_name
FROM employee
WHERE employee.emp_id IN (SELECT works_with.emp_id
FROM works_with
WHERE works_with.total_sales > 50000);
-- Find all clients who are handles by the branch that Michael Scott manages
-- Assume you know Michael's ID
SELECT client.client_id, client.client_name
FROM client
WHERE client.branch_id = (SELECT branch.branch_id
FROM branch
WHERE branch.mgr_id = 102);
-- Find all clients who are handles by the branch that Michael Scott manages
-- Assume you DONT'T know Michael's ID
SELECT client.client_id, client.client_name
FROM client
WHERE client.branch_id = (SELECT branch.branch_id
FROM branch
WHERE branch.mgr_id = (SELECT employee.emp_id
FROM employee
WHERE employee.first_name = 'Michael' AND employee.last_name ='Scott'
LIMIT 1));
-- Find the names of employees who work with clients handled by the scranton branch
SELECT employee.first_name, employee.last_name
FROM employee
WHERE employee.emp_id IN (
SELECT works_with.emp_id
FROM works_with
AND employee.branch_id = 2;
-- Find the names of all clients who have spent more than 100,000 dollars
SELECT client.client_name
FROM client
WHERE client.client_id IN (
SELECT client_id
SELECT SUM(works_with.total_sales) AS totals, client_id
FROM works_with
GROUP BY client_id) AS total_client_sales
WHERE totals > 100000